The Go-to Template For Making Beats In FL Studio 21.
Stay Organised From The Start Of Your Production.
Don’t you find it a long process to re-name & route tracks to the mixer whenever making a beat?
Moments like this can slow you down. Have everything in the right place when starting a beat, that way you can lay your main ideas down with a fresh mind.
Stay in control and let this template do all the back-end work for you.
It’s designed to get straight in and have no hold-ups.
What This Template Offers...
Clean Looking Interface (User Friendly)
Side Chain on 808 & Kick
Organised, Named & Routed
Colour Coded
Mixing Priorities
No Additional Plug ins Required, Stock Plug in Friendly
£20.00 £10.00

*Comes With Instruction Manual*
Available In Other Colours
*FL Studio 21*

Interest-Free Payments With


This Template Is Designed To Start Empty, Everything Is Re-Named & Routed To The Mixer. Drag & Drop Your Drums Into The Drum Sequences And You're Ready To Start Cooking Up.


You Will Never Have To Change These 808 Handles Ever Again With This Template. You Can Drag In Any 808 & These Handles Will Always Stay The Same.

Make Sure You Drag Your 808 Into The "808" Track For This To Work Successfully.
If you don't sidechain your beats then this template has you covered. No additional plug ins required.
The 808 & Kick share similar frequencies which leads to a muddy low-end if not catered in the right scenario.
This should be mandatory for me every beat you make, especially drill beats. You want that kick coming through clean every time.

Drag and drop your own drums into their respected tracks and everything will be routed to the mixer automatically.
The melody section will already be pre-loaded with sounds.

When you drag in your drums, the track name will stay the same and be easy to read.
This will save you so much time and can clearly see what you are working on without having any confusion.
Have No Drums? Drum Kit is attached of all essential elements to create a beat.


straight into FL Studio. You'll be more than ready to start cooking up with your new beat making template.
With FL Studio 21, they released an amazing theme feature, this will compliment your template even more with the blue buttons on the dashboard as well as other noticeable changes from previous versions of FL Studio.
Instruction manual will come with this template showing you how to import this eye catching theme & import it

Every Element Of Your Beat Is Already Routed & Named To The Mixer Which Makes Exporting Stems Just A Click Of A Button.

With each track labeled, will assist the engineer in easily identifying the stems to create a clean workflow.
This will secure artists & their engineers to work with you more as they prefer producers that are organized.
Using this template for exporting stems will save time and ensure consistency in your mixes. This will ensure greater flexibility in post-production and mastering, as each stem can be individually processed and optimized for its intended use.

Bundle Presets (FL Studio)
£30.00 £20.00